Hetman Petro Doroshenko's tomb
Hetman Petro Doroshenko lived in Yaropolets during the last years of his life. He got this village as an ownership in 1684. He died here and was burried in 1698 in the cemetery near the church (neither cemetery nor church exist now).
Gravestone has a sign "Лета 7206 ноября в 9 день преставился раб божий гетман войска Запорожского Петр Дорофеев сын Дорошенко а поживе от рождества своего 71 год и положен бысть в сем месте", which means that hetman died on the 9th of November 1698 being 71 years old and burried in this place.
The first chapel on hetman's tomb was built in early 1700s by Dimitry of Rostov (Danylo Tuptalo), who was also Ukrainian.
Also he started a tradition of requiems near the tomb.
Still, in first half of XIX c. the chapel did not exist already.
Russian poet A. Pushkin was merried with Petro Doroshenko's great-granddaughter Natalia Goncharova. He visited Yaropolets and Doroshenko's tomb in 1833. After that he insisted on chapel construction above the tomb.
However, the chapel was built only in 1848. It existed till 1953, when it was removed.
New chapel similar to previous one was built only in 1999.
Also, there is Doroshenko's XVIII c. marble bust of unknown sculptor in local museum exhibition.
Additional links:
Над могилою Дорошенка Пушкін радив звести каплицю
Незалежность Украины похоронена под Москвой
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