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Osyp Nazaruk's tomb

Address: Poland, Kraków, ul. Rakowicka, 26, Cmentarz Rakowicki, sector XXXIV, western row, place 25
GPS: 50.075754 19.955742
Appearance date: 

Osyp Nazaruk was Ukrainian political,  writer and journalist.


He was born in Buchah on 13.08.1883. Osyp studied legal law in Lviv university.

His political career was connected with Ukrainian Radical Party and Ukrainian Sich Riflemen.


During 1922-1926 Nazaruk was in Canada and USA.


The most famous Nazaruk's work is "Roxelana" story.


Osyp Nazaruk died in Krakow on 31.03.1940.


Additional links:

Про автора “Роксолани”. Осип Назарук

Назарук Осип


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