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Shevchenko village

Address: Russia, Shevchenko,
GPS: 54.820470 71.791534

Primiry village name was Moskalenskoe. It was founded in 1896 by settlers from Ukraine.

First settlers were families of Zakhar Kovalenko, Grigory Sarazhin, Pavel Kovalenko.


Selo was a part of Ukrainian district near Omsk, Akmolinsk area. It was rounded with forest and bogs. Drinking water was taken from wells, though it was saltish.

Settlers brought horses, cows, carts with them. They appearred enterprising, thus they started to sell bread. This practice became a reason for next resettlements from Ukraine.

Single class school was opened in 1902.

Population in 1914 was 619 people.

Commune "Bednota" was created in 1922. Then in 1930 collective farms appear - "Krasnyi ukrainets" ("Red Ukrainian") and Shevchenko.

In 1969 the village was renamed as Shevchenko.

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